A father carrying a toddler on his shoulders while the child’s mother walks next to them in a city park

PROTECTION Insights you need to protect your family’s future

New York Life has information and guidance on how to best secure the financial future of your loved ones.

Latest insights

Life insurance is an act of love

We highlight five reasons why life insurance is a powerful way to protect the people you love most.

Common questions

Father and son play with red race car toy
  • Which type of life insurance is right for me?

    Life insurance needs are based on a number of factors: your goals, age, family requirements, health and cost. Having so many options can seem overwhelming, so we’ve created a simple chart to help you better understand which policy or policies are right for you.

  • How much coverage do I need for my family?

    It depends on where you are in your life and who depends on you financially. When you're starting out you’ll want to have enough coverage to replace your income so your family is supported. Later in life, when your kids are grown and your house is paid for, you’ll want to put more emphasis on final expenses and long-term care.

Improve your financial future

New York Life has the tools you need to manage your assets and grow your wealth.

New York Life Financial Professional working remotely from her home

Solutions tailored to your needs

You want to provide your family with financial protection and peace of mind. We can help. Connect virtually with a financial professional safely from the comfort of your own home with a computer, mobile phone, or tablet. All you need in an internet connection.

Additional insights

The experts at New York Life can help you make sound financial decisions.