There never seems to be an ideal time to discuss important matters with family members. Learn more about the importance of talking to your family about inheritance, guardianship, and living wills.
Important questions like the ones below never seem to get answered or considered until it’s too late:
Consider the following when trying to discuss financial planning with family members.
Holidays are often a good time to at least broach the topic with other family members. Often, the conversation will be put off to a later date, but if you open the door and keep your resolve to have a full discussion, it can save a lot of headaches and potential heartaches.
However, anytime is a good time to discuss important issues. There are many advantages to talking about important family matters as soon as possible, including:
Here’s a recommended list of topics to cover. Feel free to copy it and use it at your family meeting, adding items as needed. Adult family members might be encouraged to review it before an initial conversation, and then use each item as a platform for discussion. Think of it as a conversation starter:
Sometimes it's difficult to have the answers to these questions right at your fingertips. But it's important to know your loved ones can find your life insurance policy or will, should something come up. So, we have come up with something to help.
Your Lifetime Financial Organizer is a financial checklist and filing system that not only helps you organize what you have, but also helps you identify what you may need down the road. Best of all, you can get one free from your New York Life agent.
In fact, even if you don't have a New York Life agent, you can simply contact one in your local area and request LifeFolio. You'll receive the entire kit when you meet with him or her for a free consultation.
A New York Life financial professional can help determine what’s right for you.
Learn how we can help you meet your retirement goals and prepare for your family's future.
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