Prep for success

Understand who pays for what

What the employee pays 

If the employee is covered by a New York Life Group Benefit Solutions Long-Term Disability (LTD) plan, there is no additional cost to participate in the program. Only employees covered by LTD are eligible to participate in the program.

What New York Life Group Benefit Solutions pays 

NYL GBS will pay up to $1,000* for approved equipment or other accommodations that are part of the individual’s Healthy Working Life Plan.

This is in addition to any rehabilitation benefits available under your New York Life Group Benefit Solutions disability plan, which may pay for additional expenses as appropriate.

Generally, NYL GBS purchases and pays approved expenses directly. However, on occasion, some companies may make the purchase directly and request expense reimbursement from NYL GBS.

To receive reimbursement, your company must submit reimbursement requests to your NYL GBS vocational coach within 60 days of the purchase date on the receipt.

Note: Expenses will be reimbursed only if they are:

  • Related to a referral made while your company is an active New York Life Group Benefit Solutions Healthy Working Life client.
  • Recommended by the vocational coach.
  • Approved by your company’s point of contact.

*Per eligible and participating employee, per serious health condition, per lifetime. This dollar limit is cumulative across all New York Life Group Benefit Solutions programs under which this service is provided.

What your company pays

If the costs to put into effect the recommendations made by the vocational coach are $1,000 or less, NYL GBS pays the entire amount. 

If costs of the recommendations exceed $1,000, the coach will work with your company’s point of contact to determine if your company will pay the balance of the cost.

Who owns any products or equipment purchased?

Equipment purchased for a specific employee belongs to the employee as long as employment with your company continues, and it should follow the employee if any workstation moves are made.