Telephone: 888-842-4462
Note—The hours of operation are 7 a.m.–7 p.m. CT, Monday–Friday.
Online: File a claim online any-time–24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Fax or mail: Mail or fax both the completed and signed disability claim form, the physician's statement, and any requested documentation to:
New York Life Group Benefit Solutions
Paper Intake Team
P.O. Box 709015
Dallas, TX 75370-9015
Fax: 800-642-8553
Note—Not all customers use the same claim forms. Please check with your Human Resources Department to make sure that you are using the appropriate form.
This link provides employees with access to the status of their disability claims.
New York Life Group Benefit Solutions products and services are provided by Life Insurance Company of North America and New York Life Group Insurance Company of NY, subsidiaries of New York Life Insurance Company.
Life Insurance Company of North America is not licensed in New York and does not conduct insurance business in New York.