New York Life | March 1, 2024
March 28: New York Life named official life insurance partner of the New York Yankees.
Our Foundation marks New York Life’s 175th anniversary and recognizes ‘love taking action’ in the midst of COVID-19 with $1.75M in grants to nonprofits across the country.
March 19: New York Life launches 'News and Insights on COVID-19' a content hub for all information and insights regarding the pandemic.
March 12: New York Life announced that it had exceeded $1 trillion dollars of individual life insurance in force during the 2018 fiscal year.
March 15: The New York Life Foundation and the National Alliance for Grieving Children (NAGC) released the results of the first-ever national poll of bereaved children. The poll determined “kids who have lost a parent or sibling bear a burden of sorrow and anxiety, yet they strive to be resilient in the face of their grief and greatly value the support of friends, family and the community.”
March 13: Women’s rights activist and New York Life policy owner Susan B. Anthony passed away at age 86.
March 26: New York Life expanded beyond the North American continent when it appointed Harry Homans “General Agent for the Kingdom of Great Britain and the continent of Europe." Homans would establish his headquarters in London and open another office in Paris before the year was out. A German office would open in 1871.
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Kevin Maher
New York Life Insurance Company
(212) 576-7937