5 ways to enjoy work and succeed.

New York Life | March 20, 2023

Colleauges sitting at a conference table discussing work

Job security is always important, especially in difficult economic times. But any uncertainties or worries you may have about work shouldn’t excuse doing the bare minimum. Dwelling on unhelpful thoughts can be unproductive and unfulfilling. Instead, appreciate what you have, be proactive and innovative, but also accept the things you can’t change.       

Focusing more on the here and now is a sure-fire way to boost your morale and thrive at work. Taking care, putting more effort in, and being your best self will help you win at work and also improve your well-being. Remember, your job is an opportunity for wider engagement, greater self-respect, and learning new life skills.

Here are our five tips:

1. Communication, communication, communication
Poor communication can erode trust in work relationships and be a fast-track to poor performance. Maintaining a clear, professional line of communication can keep projects on track, boost your productivity, and keep  both you and your manager happy.

2. Team work makes the dream work
It’s a cliché, but being a team player will earn you the respect of your colleagues and show that you are committed to your company. Being invested in your team also keeps you motivated and gives you a reason to come into the office besides merely keeping your job.

3. Make a point of being punctual
Make sure you are where you need to be when you need to be there. Not only does poor time management inconvenience others, but research shows that proper planning makes people feel more in control, lowers stress, and increases life satisfaction.1 So it’s a win-win.

4. Don’t be demoralized, be organized!
Being a good organizer is a rare talent that is prized by all good businesses—they don’t call them “organizations” for nothing. And just like any other skill, organizational skills can be learned. Even small things like keeping your calendar up to date or writing to-do lists can make your life at work easier and more enjoyable.

5. Look on the bright side
The difference between being happy at work or being a quiet quitter can be the difference between having a positive or negative attitude. Having a positive, proactive mindset will make you want to go work every day. It’s also easier to handle stress if you see workplace challenges as an opportunity to sharpen your focus and learn new skills.2


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Kevin Maher
New York Life Insurance Company
(212) 576-7937