Marketing Materials for Members

These materials are written and produced to supplement your marketing. While we've already taken care of an initial compliance review, always notify your Account Manager of your marketing plans.

This guide is your reference on how to use or customize our content.

Financial Wellness

Provide content for your members which can span group insurance products. The following offerings provide tips on financial wellness and shows how insurance can fit into any lifestyle.

Target Market Series: Women's Financial Wellness Topics

Target Market Series: New Parents

Group Term Life Insurance

Show your members how group term life insurance can help meet their goal of financial security for their families. This collection of articles, videos, and infographics can be used where you need it—online, in print, social, and beyond.

Group Disability Insurance

Help members understand the value of group disability insurance to protect their paycheck or fill gaps left by employer plans or other programs. Use these resources with your online or print marketing.

Group Supplemental Health Benefits

Guide members to plan ahead with supplemental health benefits which can help pay for expenses should they become ill or need hospital care. This growing library will provide content to help your next campaign.

Underwriting Guide

Help your members understand the process once they have applied for insurance. This guide shows the steps from application through decision in a simplified way.