New York Life Group Benefits Solutions (NYL GBS) Launches myLeaveGuide

Employee(s) at home preparing for the arrival of a new baby.

Helping employees navigate parental leave with confidence

Welcoming a new baby is an exciting time for any employee, but planning a parental leave isn’t always easy. 


Understanding benefits can be a struggle

Employees often face administration headaches, overlapping state and federal regulations, and complicated eligibility requirements. In fact, up to 66% of adults say they need help determining if they’re missing out on pregnancy and childbirth benefits.1


myLeaveGuide is built to simplify parental leave

That’s why we’ve created myLeaveGuide℠ a new educational tool that takes the guesswork out of leave benefits and makes leave planning easy. 

When employees answer a few simple questions, myLeaveGuide analyzes their federal and state parental leave and summarizes how those benefits work together, including:

  • Amount of available covered leave
  • Estimated benefit payments
  • Applicable federal and state benefits


How it works

Employees provide their leave information and details about their employment in a step-by-step guide. myLeaveGuide reviews and integrates federal and state benefits that are available, and then produces a visual parental-leave timeline estimate. This personalized timeline displays how different benefits may coordinate to form an employee's leave, eliminating the need to navigate multiple sources of information.

With a personalized view of federal and state leave benefits, employees can better prepare for their time away from work and focus on welcoming their new family member.


Experience myLeaveGuide firsthand

Just visit myLeaveGuide. Feel free to share this resource with your employees and promote its usage through your internal communication channels. 

1New York Life Group Benefit Solutions commissioned an online survey between 2/17/2023 – 2/23/2023, among a sample of 300 adults who have medical insurance benefits provided by an employer and plan on having a child in the next 5 years. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 6 percentage points. The data was weighted to approximate a target sample of adults based on gender, age, race, educational attainment, and region. The margin of error for the full sample is +/- 3 percentage points. 

This tool is powered by Penguin Benefits’ technology and provides estimates for informational purposes only. Penguin Benefits is not affiliated with New York Life Insurance Company or any of its affiliates. The information contained in the tool for federal and state leaves does not constitute legal advice or a legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Neither New York Life Group Benefit Solutions nor Penguin Benefits guarantees the accuracy of this tool or assumes any responsibility for any consequences of your reliance on this tool. For more specific FMLA information, see For any state leave specific information, please consult applicable state websites for the most current state leave regulation information. 

New York Life Group Benefit Solutions products and services are provided by Life Insurance Company of North America, New York Life Group Insurance Company of NY, and New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation, subsidiaries of New York Life Insurance Company. Life Insurance Company of North America is not authorized in NY and does not conduct business in NY. 

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