Team working at table

RESEARCH and FINDINGS Working to understand the effect of loss on children

The New York Life Foundation commissions and collaborates on research about childhood education and the impact of loss.

Bereavement and education research

To better understand the effect that loss has on children, the New York Life Foundation has conducted a series of polling initiatives. You can find detailed breakdowns of our research, as well as summaries of key findings.



New York Life Foundation 2024 State of Grief Report



New York Life Foundation 2022 State of Grief Report

New York Life Foundation 2022 Grief Survey Topline Results



New York Life Foundation 2021 State of Grief Report

New York Life Foundation 2021 Grief Survey Topline Results



2020 AFT/ NYLF Educator Study: Key Findings



New York Life Grief Survey: Key Findings



American Federation of Teachers/New York Life Foundation First-Ever Bereavement Survey



New York Life/NAGC Survey on Bereaved Parents


of Americans have experienced the loss of a close friend or relative – however, only 46% knew where in their community to turn for help.


of children who had lost a parent said that their school was well prepared to help them.


of people said it would have been easier to cope with their grief if society were more open to talking about death and loss.


of Americans have taken steps to prepare for their death, including purchasing life insurance.

Additional research

The New York Life Foundation collaborates and engages with partners to elevate our focus areas: bereavement and educational enhancement, Read about latest research and surveys in these areas.

Judi's House: Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model