Financial Calculator

How Long Will My Life Insurance Benefits Last?

When purchasing a life insurance policy, it’s imperative to decide how much your family or loved ones will need to maintain their lifestyle after you’re gone. Our life insurance payout calculator can help you project how many years a selected death benefit will payout based on expenses, income taxes, inflation, and return on investments.

How long will my life insurance proceeds last?

Life Insurance Proceeds Calculator

It may be surprising how quickly your life insurance benefits could be depleted by your survivor’s income needs.


  • Insurance
  • Returns

Step of 2

Looking at insurance and income needs.

Please enter only numbers.
Please enter only numbers.

Let’s assume returns.

Please enter a number -12 - 12.
-12% 12%
Please enter a number 0 - 75.
0% 75%
Please enter a number 0 - 10.
0% 10%

The results are hypothetical based on your input. Your actual results will vary. Any rates of return used are for illustrative purposes only and does not represent performance of any actual financial vehicle/strategies.

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Family hugging new born
  • Plan for the future now.

    It’s one thing to buy life insurance, it’s another to think about how your loved ones will live in the event of your death. Discuss potential concerns such as childcare, how to invest the life insurance survivor benefits, and other potential lifestyle changes.

  • Diversify your assets.

    Consider other assets that can protect your family’s financial future, like annuities. Annuities can offer a lifetime of predictable, steady income for your loved ones.

Common questions about insurance.

How much insurance do I need?

Experts recommend a life insurance policy that would provide five to ten times your annual income.

How long do I need it?

Consider buying insurance that will cover your family until your last child graduates college.

More information and resources.

We have the tools and products you need to help you plan your financial future.

Want to learn more about life insurance?

Fill out this form and a New York Life financial professional will be in touch soon.