
5 silver linings from the pandemic that changed the world.

New York Life |  April 10, 2023

The pandemic was a tragedy like we’d never witnessed before, but now  we’re in full recovery mode. Our minds are clearer, less clouded by the chaos and uncertainty of lockdown life, so we can reflect.  What are some of the potentially positive changes brought about by the experience?

1.    Better work-life culture

Before the pandemic many of us worked in the office five days a week, commuting daily  and spending less time at home with our families. Today, many companies provide hybrid working models where employees can work either at home or from the office, or both, depending on their roles. For many, this makes us happier, healthier, and more prosperous in both our personal and professional lives.

2.    Increased focus on mental health

While the pandemic spread physically, it also put huge strains on our mental health. For some, their home, usually a happy place, became an environment of confinement. Physical restrictions that inhibited our everyday freedoms, alongside worries about loved ones, left many struggling with their mental well-being. The lesson learned is that we have to take care of our minds just as much as our bodies, and companies are listening.

3.    Greater appreciation for what we have

The pandemic shined a light on people’s caring nature, and helped provide perspective on the things we value most. Many participated in everyday acts of kindness – from delivering groceries to vulnerable neighbors to volunteering at vaccination centers. Friends and family, albeit virtually in most cases, became a vital support network when things were tough.

4.   Faster medical innovation

The urgency for a vaccine drove unprecedented medical advancement. It just goes to show that through persistence and collaboration, great progress can be made. The medical community demonstrated its ability to make scientific breakthroughs, which can be applied to future health crises, both infectious and non-infectious.

5.    Remote communication platforms

It’s now an obsolete notion that we can only learn effectively in person. Since the pandemic, remote learning has become an invaluable pillar in our digital-first society. Nowhere was this more evident than in the continuity of education. Teachers and students quickly adapted to digital teaching and learning. While isolation was challenging for kids and teens, new levels of expertise in online platforms empowered young minds to thrive.


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Media contact

Kevin Maher
New York Life Insurance Company
(212) 576-7937