Our Foundation "aims high" with $1.35M in grants to help youth.

New York Life | July 13, 2018

Our Foundation Aims High.

Helping disadvantaged students with high-quality afterschool and summer problems can have a profound effect on their academic achievement, attendance, and overall engagement in their studies. The New York Life Foundation partnered with the Afterschool Alliance to award $1.35 million in grants to 34 youth development organizations across the country to support middle school youth during these critical out-of-school time (OST) hours. 26 OST programs won grants and eight organizations received continuing grants that were announced in 2017. These programs serve disadvantaged youth in 17 states and the District of Columbia.

These grants will change young lives, allowing afterschool and summer learning programs to do what they do best: keeping kids safe, inspiring learning, and giving families peace of mind."

- Jodi Grant

Executive Director of the Afterschool Alliance

Ten of this year’s grants go to help programs better serve youth with disabilities or other special needs in addition to the overall focus on the transition to 9th grade. The Foundation added this element to the grant program in response to the demonstrated needs of grant applicants last year. The grants support programs inclusive of youth with and without disabilities, and programs primarily serving youth with disabilities or special needs. These grants continue our Foundation’s long-standing commitment to supporting our nation’s youth and their families with out-of-school time programs to enrich children’s lives and keep them more engaged in school and beyond.

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Media contact

Lacey Siegel
New York Life Insurance Company
(212) 576-7937