Man and Women High Fiving

[Client] Don't delay, enroll today!

Enroll Online During Your Employer’s Enrollment Period

Contact your employer if you do not know when your enrollment period occurs.

Enrollment Forms

Return your signed and completed forms to your Human Resources department.

IMPORTANT: This is a fixed indemnity policy, 
NOT health insurance

This fixed indemnity policy may pay you a limited dollar amount if you’re sick or hospitalized. You’re still responsible for paying the cost of your care.
- The payment you get isn’t based on the size of your medical bill.

- There might be a limit on how much this policy will pay each year.     

- This policy isn’t a substitute for comprehensive health insurance.              

- Since this policy isn’t health insurance, it doesn’t have to include most Federal consumer protections that apply to health insurance.

Looking for comprehensive health insurance?

- Visit or call 1-800-318-2596 (TTY:1-855-889-4325) to find health coverage options.
- To find out if you can get health insurance through your job, or a family member’s job, contact the employer.

Questions about this policy?

- For questions or complaints about this policy, contact your State Department of Insurance. Find their number on the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ website ( under “Insurance Departments.”
- If you have this policy through your job, or a family member’s job, contact the employer.


IMPORTANTE: Esta es una póliza de indemnización fija, 
NO un seguro médico

Esta póliza de indemnización fija puede pagarte una cantidad limitada de dólares si estás enfermo u hospitalizado. Sigues siendo responsable de pagar el costo de tu atención.
- El pago que recibes no se basa en el monto de tu factura médica.

- Puede haber un límite sobre cuánto pagará esta póliza cada año.     

- Esta no sustituye a un seguro médico integral.              

- Dado que esta póliza no es un seguro médico, no tiene que incluir la mayoría de las protecciones federales al consumidor que se aplican al seguro médico.

¿Buscas un seguro médico integral?

Visita o llama al 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325) para buscar opciones de cobertura médica.
- Para averiguar si puedes obtener seguro médico a través de tu empleo, o el empleo de un familiar, comunícate con el empleador.

¿Preguntas sobre esta póliza?

- Para preguntas o quejas sobre esta póliza, comunícate con su Departamento de Seguros Estatal (State Department of Insurance). Busca sus números en el sitio web de la Asociación Nacional de Comisionados de Seguros ( en la sección "Departamentos de Seguros".
- Si tienes esta póliza a través de tu empleo, o el empleo de un familiar, comunícate con el empleador.

*This benefit is only payable once per day even if multiple Health Screenings are provided in a single day. Este beneficio solo se paga una vez por día, incluso si se realizan múltiples evaluaciones médicas en un solo día.

Accident Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance, and Hospital Indemnity Insurance are limited benefit policies. Accident insurance pays benefits for accidents only. These products are not health care insurance and do not satisfy the requirement of minimum essential coverage under the Affordable Care Act. New York Life Group Benefit Solutions’ Accident Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance, and Hospital Indemnity Insurance are underwritten by New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation, a subsidiary of New York Life Insurance Company. Product availability may vary by state and is subject to change. Voluntary benefit products are not available in New York. Policy forms: Accident: GBS-AI-1000.00; Critical Illness: GBS-CI-1000.00; Hospital Indemnity: GBS-HI-1000.00.

Policy forms: Disability & Term Life - TL-004700 et al; Accident- (GBS-AI-1000.00) et al.

All contracts are provided in English.  In the event of any conflict between the contract and any summary in any other language, the terms of the contract will prevail.

New York Life Group Benefit Solutions products and services are provided by Life Insurance Company of North America or New York Life Group Insurance Company of NY, subsidiaries of New York Life Insurance Company. Policy forms: Disability & Term Life - TL-004700 et al; Accident- (GBS-AI-1000.00) et al.

Life Insurance Company of North America is not licensed in New York and does not conduct insurance business in New York.