Two men meeting

Preparing to talk with a financial professional

If you want answers, you're in the right place. Working with a financial professional is a great way to make sure you have all the information necessary to make educated insurance and financial decisions. Here are a few tips and insights to make your first meeting as productive as possible.

The role of a financial professional

We know this is an important step, so our financial professionals will be sure to review your options, answer all your questions, and make sure you are 100% comfortable with every decision you make. Our financial professionals are your partners and will guide you through the process and share their knowledge and the product solutions the company has to offer. 

Your role as a potential client

Whether you're meeting in person or on the phone, it's important for you and your financial professional to get to know each other. Feel free to ask lots of questions (don't worry, we don't mind) and be prepared to answer a few yourself. The better you understand each other, the easier it will be to create a financial strategy that meets your specific needs.

Here are a few things to think about before you begin your conversation:

•  What are your long- and short-term goals?

•  Are there any major financial needs on the horizon?

•  How do you see your life changing in the next 5 to 10 years?

Here's how it all works:

Start the conversation:

The first part of the journey is connecting with a financial professional, either by phone or in person, so you can communicate directly and openly.

Discuss your options:

We’ll understand your needs, introduce you to a few of our products, start talking numbers, and come up with a solution that meets your needs.

Review a personalized quote:

Your financial professional will create a personalized illustration that shows your policy’s estimated cost, coverage, and performance over time.

Fill out an application:

Once you decide on a policy, your financial professional will help you apply for coverage. 

Schedule underwriting:

As part of the application process, your financial professional will schedule a medical exam which is used to determine your eligibility and pricing.

Check your policy:

Once you are approved, your financial professional will review the details of your policy and discuss final pricing. We want to make sure you are completely comfortable with your decision before signing.

Build on your relationship:

While signing your policy is the end of the application process, it's just the beginning of your relationship with New York Life. There are lots of ways that we can help you build wealth and prepare for the future, and your financial professional will be happy to discuss them at your convenience.

Want to learn more about life insurance?

A New York Life financial professional can help determine what’s right for you.